There are a number of Doctor Who, Torchwood and Sarah Jane Adventures items on offer.
Most of the Doctor Who items are left over the from the previous sale in December last year, now with considerably reduced estimates and reserves.
As usual I have separated the items by Doctor era, and you can see the rest of the items here:
Here are just the lots relating to the Second Doctor era

Lot 95
DOCTOR WHO / PATRICK TROUGHTON: 'DOCTOR WHO AND THE ABOMINABLE SNOWMEN', A COMPLETE SET OF SIX REHEARSAL SCRIPTS, 1967. From the collection of episode writer Henry Lincoln, each bound mimeographed script, signed to cover in black ink 'Henry Lincoln', with recording and transmission details to front, 8 x 13 inches (20x33cm).
Written by Henry Lincoln and Mervyn Haisman 'The Abominable Snowmen' is the first storyline in the Doctor Who series to feature the character the 'Yeti'. First broadcast in September - November 1967 five of the six episodes in the series are currently considered lost.
Estimate £1,000 - 2,000
Unsold (again)
Lot 96
DOCTOR WHO / PATRICK TROUGHTON: 'DOCTOR WHO AND THE ABOMINABLE SNOWMEN', A COMPLETE SET OF SIX DRAFT SCRIPTS, 1967. From the collection of episode writer Henry Lincoln, each with detailed hand annotated corrections, the scripts in mimeographed typed script, all being signed in black ink by the author to cover,
8 x 13 inches (20x33cm).
This set of scripts were Henry Lincoln's working copies for the episode and include a number of his amendments and corrections to the text.
Estimate £2,000 - 3,000
Unsold (again)
Lot 97
DOCTOR WHO / PATRICK TROUGHTON: 'DOCTOR WHO AND THE WEB OF FEAR', A SET OF FIVE REHEARSAL SCRIPTS, 1968. From the collection of episode writer Henry Lincoln, mimeographed typed script, including Episodes 1 - 5, each signed in black ink by the author, each bearing sequential project number 2317/9232 - 2317/9236, 8 x 13 inches (20x33cm).
This lot includes the script for episode three of the series, which is currently missing.
Estimate £1,000 - 1,500
Unsold (again)
circa 1968, this lot relates to 'The Abominable Snowman', in blue ink 'Dear Henry, Sooper (sic) Script specially (sic) No.6. Very Happy. Thank You. Do Some More Please. Please. Pat. T.'
Estimate £300 - 500
Sold for £137
Lot 99
DOCTOR WHO / PATRICK TROUGHTON: 'DOCTOR WHO AND THE DOMINATORS', THREE REHEARSAL SCRIPTS, 1968, from the collection of episode writer Henry Lincoln, mimeographed typed script pages, Episodes 1, 2 and 5, with some pencil annotations, 8 x 13 inches (20x33cm).
Henry Lincoln (born Henry Soskin) is an English author, famed for his co-authorship of the book 'The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail'.
'The Dominators' was broadcast as five episodes during August - September 1968. Henry Lincoln and Mervyn Haisman requested their writing credit for this series of episodes to be removed, due to their dissatisfaction with the eventual production, the reduction in the number of episodes (from five to six), the ending being written without consultation and the licensing agreement for the 'Quarks' characters.
The episode is therefore credited as 'Norman Ashby'.'The Dominators' was the final series of episodes written for Doctor Who by the pair.
Estimate £500 - 700
Unsold (again)